DUH,he's my BRO ofcos.

the 3J's.
(jerilin,jeremy last but not least joanna NEO.)
ok,actually after M hotel should head to uncle's h in sentosa.
but we didnt go as we're going to pray to grannx.
nevermind,after that we head to 5th sis's h for dinner as she treating.
what's more when all the kids reach there we start

ed the same things.

thought ii only got 19points but i still win=)
see dd,aloy&&&&&miie gt 1K/Q/J an a As.
3 at a go.
this time oli broke=)

look at how happy we're=)
okok,gtg 4th aunt h ltr to visit.
gtg baby screaming at miie for not eating my breakfast&lunch and it's nearly 3now.
he's burning if im still not going have my lunch.
stay tune.